Appartamenti Toila Livigno

Ihre Flucht in die Berge

Ein Feiertag von
einzigartige Emotionen

Gratis Wifi
Tiere sind nicht erlaubt
Zahlung Paypal
Toilà 2 Wohnung

Ein einladender Zufluchtsort im Herzen von Livigno

Das Apartment TOILA' 2 befindet sich im Zentrum von Livigno, im Herzen der Fußgängerzone: ein Apartment für 4 oder 5 Personen in der Nähe der Skipisten. Ausgezeichnete Wahl für einen Familienurlaub oder einen Urlaub mit Freunden.

Erfahren Sie, wo es ist

Genießen Sie die Aussicht von der Terrasse

Panorama der Berge

Toilà 2 Wohnung

4 - 5 Personen | 50 m2 | Erste Stock

Die Wohnung befindet sich im ersten Stock und besteht aus zwei Schlafzimmern; ein Doppelzimmer und ein Schlafzimmer mit 2 Einzelbetten, Küche, großes Wohnzimmer; Ausgestattet mit einem Einzelschlafsofa, Bad und Terrasse mit Bergblick.



über 20.000 m2
Wohlfühlen und Entspannen

350 mt


wo Sie spazieren gehen und Spaß haben können
mit Freunden und Familie

Viele Aktivitäten, die Sie das ganze Jahr über genießen können

Livigno, das ideale Reiseziel für Natur- und Schneeliebhaber.

Sommer in Livigno

Abenteuer und Spaß

Im Sommer sind das Livigno-Tal und alle angrenzenden Täler Naturschätze, die es zu entdecken gilt. Sowohl für Sportler als auch für Familien mit Kindern ist Little Tibet das ideale Reiseziel, um Ihren Urlaub im Kontakt mit der Natur zu genießen. Nutzen Sie diese Zeit für Trekkingausflüge oder entspannende Spaziergänge, Radfahren, Reiten, Tennis, Golf, Skaten, Schwimmen, Paragliding, Drachenfliegen. Dies sind nur einige der verfügbaren Aktivitäten. Kommen Sie und entdecken Sie sie alle!



Livigno ist das ideale Reiseziel für Schneeliebhaber. Ob Sie Skifahren, Telemarking, Snowboarden oder Schneeschuhwandern, Winter-Mountainbiken, Reiten, Schlittschuhlaufen, Wandern zu Fuß oder mit Schneemobilen, Paragliding oder Drachenfliegen lieben oder mit Ihrer Familie entspannen möchten: Das Angebot von Little Tibet ist riesig und für jeden geeignet. Lassen Sie sich von den sanften Hängen, der unberührten Natur und der Höhensonne erobern.


Über 250

Livigno, ein großes Outlet in großer Höhe: Abseits vom Verkehr, umgeben von Natur, finden Sie exklusive Boutiquen, die sowohl mit Tradition als auch mit Moderne verbunden sind. Ein echtes Open-Air-Einkaufszentrum, in dem Sie den Komfort des Duty-Free-Einkaufs in über 250 Geschäften nutzen können, während Sie durch die unberührte Natur spazieren, die für Klein-Tibet charakteristisch ist.

Wir freuen uns, Sie bald in Livigno begrüßen zu dürfen!

Verpassen Sie nicht die perfekte Wohnung für Ihren Urlaub
Unsere Kontakte


Appartamento Toilà 2
Via Plan 379/E - 23041 Livigno (So)

© Appartamento Toilà 2 | CIR: 014037-CNI-01103 | CIN: IT014037C2LI5YDIKZ
Damit diese Website ordnungsgemäß funktioniert, verwendet sie technische und analytische Cookies. Einzelheiten hierzu finden Sie hier. Diese Website verwendet keine Profiling-Cookies. Durch das Surfen auf der Website stimmen Sie der Installation der genannten Cookies zu. ICH AKZEPTIERE

Information on the use of Cookies

What is a cookie? Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to the user's device while browsing a website. Depending on what they do and their ownership, cookies can be divided into "technical cookies", "profiling cookies" and "third-party cookies".

Technical cookies These cookies enable functions without which it would not be possible to fully use the site and do not require the user's consent to be installed (Art. 122 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 196/2003). They are used, for example, to memorize your position on the page while browsing, to manage the passage of pages from http to https or to remember if you have already logged in. These cookies do not analyze user behavior for marketing purposes (for example, to send targeted advertising) and do not profile them in any way. When they are used by the site owner they are called "first-party cookies". Technical cookies (first or third party) also include those used to statistically analyze accesses or visits to the site (so-called "analytics") when they pursue exclusively statistical purposes and collect information in aggregate form without the possibility of trace the identification of the individual user.

Below, for each technical cookie used we report the name, purpose of use and storage times.
Name: msg_cookie_is_read
Purpose: Avoids the return of the information banner on the use of cookies once read
Duration: 1 year
Type: First party technician

Name: pref_lang
Purpose: Allows the browser to memorize the language selected by the user
Duration: 1 month
Category: First party technician

Name: 1P_JAR
Purpose: Allows the integration of Google maps
Duration: 1 month
Category: Third-party analytical and technical

Name: NID
Purpose: Allows the integration of Google maps
Duration: 6 months
Type: Third-party analytical and technical

Purpose: Allows the integration of Google maps
Duration: 2 years
Category: Third-party analytical and technical

Purpose: Allows the integration of Google maps and translations
Duration: 20 years
Type: Third-party analytical and technical

Profiling cookies Profiling cookies analyze user behavior for marketing purposes. For example, to send targeted advertising messages while browsing.

This site does not use profiling cookies.

Third-party cookies While browsing a site, the user may also receive cookies from sites or web servers belonging to third parties (parties other than the site owner) on their device. In this case, the cookies are defined as "third-party cookies". This can happen, for example, because the site contains elements such as images, maps, sounds and specific links to web pages of other domains or which reside on servers other than the one on which the browsed page is located. These cookies are managed and set directly by the managers of these websites or servers and, in the case of data collection, the data is acquired and managed by these subjects. To find out how the acquired data is managed and used, it is necessary to access the information pages released by these subjects.

This site uses third-party cookies to offer the following services:
  • interactive map

How do I disable cookies? This site uses first-party technical cookies that do not require user consent and do not require deactivation.
In other cases, or if the user wishes to act regardless of the nature of the cookie, non-strictly necessary cookies can be deactivated by changing the settings of their browser (the program used to navigate the website). A convenient and fast way offered by some browsers is the so-called "incognito browsing". We recommend users to find updated information on the functioning of their browsers directly from the pages drawn up by their developers and/or license holders. For example, you can search for “cookie management + the name and version of your browser” on your favorite search engine.

For further information, we recommend the website of the EDAA (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance ).


Information on privacy and data processing

This Privacy Policy is intended to describe the management methods of the site currently available at with reference to the processing of personal data of users / visitors who consult it.

This is an information that is also provided pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter also "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR") to those who access the aforementioned site.

The site indicated above is owned by Salari Oscar Via Plan 379/E - 23041 Livigno (So) Italy.

The information is provided by Salari Oscar exclusively for the site mentioned above and not for other websites or sections / pages / spaces owned by third parties consulted by the user through special links.

Users / visitors are invited to read this Privacy Policy carefully before providing any type of personal information and / or fill in any electronic form on the site.

If users / visitors are required, to access certain services, to provide their personal data, will be released in advance, on the pages relating to individual services, specific and detailed information on the related processing pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR which will specify the methods, purposes and limits of the treatment itself.

1. Data controller

The Data Controller is Salari Oscar Via Plan 379/E - 23041 Livigno (So) Italia. Email:

2. Type of data processed purposes and legal basis of processing

2.1. Browsing data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in normal operation, some personal data that are then implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols.

It is information that by their nature could, through associations and processing with data held by third parties, allow users / visitors to be identified (eg IP address, computer domain names used by users / visitors who connect to the site, etc.).

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information (therefore they are anonymous) and to check the correct functioning of the site.

2.2. Data provided voluntarily by users / visitors
If users / visitors connecting to this site send their personal data to access certain services, or to make requests via email, you will have the acquisition of such data by Salari Oscar and / or third parties together with whom Salari Oscar could provide the service requested by the user / visitor; such data will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, or for the provision of the service in accordance with this Policy and the specific privacy information provided during the phase of access to the individual services.

2.3. Purpose of processing for direct marketing purposes
With the specific consent of the interested party, Salari Oscar may use the data provided voluntarily for direct marketing activities, to send advertising and informative material; carry out direct sales or placement of products or services; send commercial information; make interactive commercial communications.

For the processing of data preordered to the conduct of direct marketing activities it is mandatory to acquire the consent - specific and separate - by the interested party, who is now informed that such conferment is entirely optional and any refusal will not entail a consequence (if not that of preventing data processing aimed at direct marketing).

For the treatments referred to in nos. 2.4. it is specified that the legal basis is represented by the express consent. For the treatments referred to in nos. 2.1 and 2.2. the legal basis is represented by the execution of services requested or replicated at the request of users / visitors.

3. Recipients of personal data

No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated to third parties, except to fulfill the obligations established by laws, regulations or community regulations.

The personal data expressly provided by users / visitors will be communicated to third parties only if the communication is necessary to comply with the requests of users / visitors themselves, without prejudice to what is specified in the specific information of the individual services.

4. Data transfer to third countries

For the purposes indicated in art. 3 of this Information the personal data will not be communicated / transferred to third parties established in countries not belonging to the European Union, done except as provided for the use of Cookies.

5. Processing methods and data retention period

The processing of data is performed through automated tools (eg using electronic procedures and media) and / or manually (eg on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, however, in compliance with the current regulations in force.

Personal data will be kept for the period of time strictly necessary for the pursuit of the specific purposes of the processing and, in particular:

- for the data indicated in art. 2.1., For the time necessary for carrying out the specified activities, except for any investigation of computer crimes to the detriment of the site;

- for the data indicated in art. 2.2., For the time necessary to perform the services requested or reply to requests made, except for any investigation of computer crimes to the detriment of the site; any further details on the storage of data regarding the single service or request made may be provided in the specific information on the single service requested;

- for the purposes indicated in art. 2.3. (marketing) for 24 (twenty-four) months from the time of issue of the specific and express consent to the treatment by users / visitors.

6. Rights of the interested party

Users / visitors can at any time exercise the direct indicated below.

a. Access to personal data: obtain confirmation of whether data concerning them are being processed and, in this case, access to the following information: the purposes, the categories of data, the recipients, the retention period, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the right to request rectification or cancellation or limitation of processing or opposition to the processing itself and the existence of an automated decision-making process;

b. Request for rectification or cancellation of the same or limitation of the processing that concerns them; "limitation" means the marking of data stored with the aim of limiting its processing in the future;

c. Opposition to processing: to oppose for reasons connected with the particular situation to the processing of data for the execution of a task of public interest or for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Controllers;

d. Data portability: in the case of automated processing carried out on the basis of consent or in execution of a contract, to receive data concerning them in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device; in particular, the data will be provided by the Data Controllers in .xml format, or similar;

e. Revocation of consent to processing for marketing purposes, both direct and indirect, market research; the exercise of this right does not prejudice in any way the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation;

f. Propose a claim pursuant to art. 77 RGPD to the competent supervisory authority on the basis of habitual residence, place of work or place of infringement of rights; for Italy, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data is competent, which can be contacted via the contact details on the website

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by sending a specific request to the Data Controller through the contact channels indicated in art. 1 of this information.

Requests relating to the exercise of the rights will be processed without undue delay and, in any case, within one month of the request; only in cases of particular complexity and in the number of requests can this term be extended by a further 2 (two) months.

7. Communication and provision of data

Except for what specified for the data referred to in art. 2.1 (navigation data, whose missed contribution coincides with the non-navigation of the website), users / visitors are free to provide their personal data and their failure to provide will only result in the impossibility of obtaining the requested service.

8. Update and change of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may undergo changes over time - also related to the possible entry into force of new industry regulations, the updating or provision of new services or to technological innovations - for which the user / visitor is invited to consult this page periodically.